2019 AGM Tennis Treasurers Report
Moor Park Lawn Tennis Club
2019 AGM – Treasurer’s Report
I am pleased to present my first report as Treasurer of the Tennis section and would like to express my thanks to David Roy who preceded me. David oversaw the section’s financial affairs for most of the 2018/19 season and I am grateful for his meticulous record keeping.
Members may not be aware that all membership subscriptions are retained by Moor Park Golf Club (MPGC or ‘the Club’) and do not appear in the summary income and expenditure account of the Tennis section.
At the beginning of 2019, the Club advised the Tennis committee that as part of the new ‘vision’ for the Club, certain changes would be made to the finances of the Tennis section. As an overriding principle, any revenue generated from the use of the Club’s assets would thereafter be retained by the Club. Accordingly, since January 2019, the Tennis section has received no fees from coaching, court hire, guests etc. Similarly, any sponsorship or contributions received for events such as the Great British Tennis Day now go directly to the Club. This is the primary reason for the fall in revenue from these sources in the 2018/19 season.
Consistent with this overriding principle, the Club accepts responsibility for the maintenance of the tennis courts and pavilion including any capital expenditure that may be necessary or desired. Such capital items are considered by the Board of MPGC together with all requests for capital expenditure in respect of the mansion and golf courses.
We have recently prepared a 5-year capital plan which will be considered by the MPGC Board in November. Feedback from Tennis members suggests that extending the floodlighting to an additional two courts is the greatest priority as this will enable matches to be played in Winter evenings, extend members’ playing options and facilitate coaching and junior development. Although funding has yet to be confirmed, we believe it is appropriate to progress the submission of a planning application so that we are able to move forward as soon as funds are made available. Other capital items under consideration are refurbishment of the practice wall flooring, new chairs and tables for the pavilion, redecoration of the pavilion, and the possible provision of a junior recreation area to include an outdoor table tennis table.
Since 2014 the Tennis section has made contributions towards the cost of resurfacing the all-weather courts. In total these contributions have amounted to £11,500 including £1,250 in 2017. With the income restrictions now imposed by the Club, it is not anticipated that such contributions will be possible in the future. The committee has recommended that MPGC considers the creation of a sinking fund to provide for the eventual replacement of the existing hard-court surfaces and perimeter fencing as and when this becomes necessary.
The Club has agreed that whenever events are held with the aim of attracting new members (whose subscriptions will be retained by the Club), reasonable costs of holding such events will be borne by the Club. Accordingly, no costs were incurred by the Tennis section in the 2018/19 season for the Great British Tennis Day, although it should also be noted that these costs were unusually high in 2017/18.
The annual dinner/dance is the Tennis section’s primary source of income. The James Bond themed dinner in November 2018 was very successful and raised over £2,000 from which a charitable donation of £1,000 was made to Success.
Match and tournament fees broadly cover the provision of tennis balls and refreshments at these events although the Committee has agreed that, where junior members are invited to represent Moor Park in matches against other clubs, their match fees will be subsidised.
I am pleased to report that the Tennis section generated a surplus in the 2018/19 season of £1,268 and carried forward a bank balance of £5,083 at 30 April 2019.
Peter Russell
31 August 2019