Membership and Categories


Amidst the beautiful back drop of the Mansion and surrounding grounds, Moor Park Lawn Tennis Club has a lot to offer to tennis players of all levels, whether you are an absolute beginner or a serious tournament player. In addition to our amazing grass courts we have a choice of all weather courts for year round play. Members have access to the tennis pavilion as well as the Moor Park Mansion bars, dining rooms and other facilities.

There are a number of annual Club competitions and tournaments as well as different social tennis events for all levels of player. Friends and family are always welcome to come, play and attend the social events.

We compete in various Hertfordshire league competitions, including Hot Rackets. Our teams play from social to county level and we are always looking for new players to join us.

The Moor Park Lawn Tennis Club is very active and our tennis members are often joined by some of the golf members. We have tennis lessons on offer at various times throughout the week for beginners, returners, improvers and seasoned players. Individual and group sessions are also available from our Club Coaches who are always on hand to give tips and advice.

With weekly roll-ups and regular competitions you can be as involved as much or as little as your diary allows. The ever popular Wednesday evening roll-up is played on the grass courts during the summer months and normally ends with a few drinks and a meal in the Terrace Bar for all Members to enjoy.

We have a range of tennis memberships, including summer only packages:

Full Membership £550
Summer Membership (May to September) £400
Country Tennis £425
Young Adult Member (19-30 years) £215
Junior Membership (11 – 18 years) £105
Junior Membership (under 10 years) £70

To join, please contact Mitchell Green on 01923 773 146 or via email on [email protected]
Or enquire using the form below.

Membership Enquiry Form

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Type of Membership Enquiry
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